Digital Adoption by AppNavi

| Use any software correctly right away

AppNavi connects people and software. Without training. Without queries.

We put a layer over your software.

This makes training and familiarization a thing of the past, as well as errors in the operation of your systems.

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In the back the software. In front the user. In between AppNavi.

From midsize companies to large corporations: guide interactively through applications, insert helpful information at relevant points or keep your colleagues up to date.

AppNavi Guidance

Guide users through any software using interactive routes without having to train them in advance.

AppNavi Automation

Mobilize your users by letting AppNavi technology perform unnecessary process steps.

AppNavi Analytics

Use the data protection compliant AppNavi Analytics data and make the success of your measures and the use of the software comprehensible for decision makers of the digital strategy.

User Behavior Mining

Analyze the usage of software in your company and automatically generate digital adoption measures from the findings.

Maximize the use of your software and the efficiency of your users.







Be part of something big – industry leaders already rely on AppNavi in digital transformation

Worldwide rollout of an HR transformation program

As part of the standardization of global processes in the area of HR Self Service and HR Administration, AppNavi was used to support the rollout. This meant that classical training could be dispensed with for all employees in approx. 70 countries. Instead, AppNavi Guidance was used. Costs for hypercare, training and support were significantly reduced.

Rollout of a transformation program

As part of an IT transformation program, three systems were rolled out and continuously trained with the help of AppNavi. In addition to saving initial expenses for hypercare and support, AppNavi also helps manage employee turnover. When employees change restaurants, AppNavi provides simultaneous on-boarding so new employees are ready to work faster.

International rollout of SAP SuccessFactors

During the rollout of SuccessFactors at a global market leader for transition and door safety systems for buses and trains, AppNavi was used as an initiative in the area of change management. In addition to conveying tool and process knowledge, another focus was on reducing fears and reservations about the new software.

Introduction of a global leasing platform

As part of the changeover of a core system at the customer’s site, which affected all car dealerships, an AppNavi was used for training and rollout. The initial focus was on training and on-boarding. In the further course, the focus will also be on error reduction and the reduction of support efforts.


More and more tools as a result of digitalization

Tools are usually made available benevolently in large numbers and with many updates. A common goal is to make users’ work easier and increase efficiencies. But is this goal being achieved?

70% of employees are overwhelmed

Employees often react overwhelmed when new software is introduced or when dealing with new tools and processes, which they often use only rarely. The reason for this is that in many cases users are inadequately prepared and do not receive any help in the event of a problem.

The easiest to use Digital Adoption platform

AppNavi offers a technically advanced solution beyond the limits of Digital Adoption and combines it with a leading simplicity concept.

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